Allison Miedema, Ottawa County Commissioner seeking reelection in District 11 – Chester Township, Crockery Township, City of Coopersville, Polkton Charter Township, Tallmadge Charter Township and Wright Township
I recently received a questionnaire from another interested group in Ottawa County. I am uncertain as to how they intend to share the information with constituents, and I wanted to share the questions along with my answers here.
1. What are your thoughts on current county board leadership?
I am thankful for the current county board’s leadership in focusing on the Constitution, keeping the government in check, and restoring the rights to We the People. Under the prior outgoing board in 2022, our previous county commissioners lost sight of the rights of the people of Ottawa County and was a strong reason why a majority of new county leaders were elected into office in 2022.
Current board leadership is using common sense, discernment and courage and actively seeks information and asks questions to make informed decisions. This is a board that is hands-on and invested in doing the work that is needed to continue cultivating a beautiful Ottawa. Additionally, this is a board that is attentive to the tax-payers’ pocketbooks. We adopted a 2024 budget with the smallest increase in five years at 3.59%, maintained a AAA bond rating, received a clean audit for FY2023 with no budgetary overages, and the county is in excellent financial health, with over $200 million in assets.
2. What is Ottawa County doing right?
Ottawa County is known for its conservative values and is a place where people have historically thrived in raising families, working hard, strong schools, and active churches. We have many talented staff in numerous county departments, working hard on behalf of the people of Ottawa.
3. Where does Ottawa County need to improve? .
Ottawa County needs to continue having important conversations as it relates to protecting farmland, which is one of the top two economic contributors for our county and connecting a variety of people with one another as they work to come up with solutions for our current housing needs within the county.
Ottawa County also stands in need of truthful journalism. Without truth, we are not a free nation.
4. What should the county’s priorities be while establishing its budget?
Begin with these questions: What is government responsible for? What is required? What are the needs of the people? Balancing needs and desires of the people with the reality of the budget. Create a Strategic Plan that looks not only to the current year but also projects to the future.
A 5 Year Capital Improvement Plan was something the Board of Commissioners created in 2023 and can be found on the county website at Communication with directors of the departments and county administrator through the budget process is also important.
5. What is your stance on county involvement in diversity, equity and inclusion?
I do not support government funded DEI programs.
The following resolution is one I voted on in 2023 and agree with wholeheartedly and speaks well to this question: Where Freedom Rings.